Thursday, August 28, 2014

Solving problems with ncomputing in Ubuntu 12.04

Using synaptic package manager (sudo apt-get install synaptic) I was able to find the Xorg meta package which is listed as "Xorg" then by going to the "packages" menu at the top of synaptic, drop down, and select force version. I had my luck with the older version " 1:7.6 12ubuntu1 (precise) "
Synaptic will warn you that it is removing and installing a bunch of packages. That's just the downgrade of all the packages comprising the xorg meta. We end up with what's likely what the nc modules are built against, so everything seems to work fine.

Hopefully this helps until nc can update the installer.


Friday, August 15, 2014

Remove AppArmor from Ubuntu

sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor stop
sudo update-rc.d -f apparmor remove
sudo apt-get -y --purge remove apparmor apparmor-utils libapparmor-perl libapparmor1

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Join Lubuntu 14.04 to Active Directory using pbis open (before likewise-open)

#Download latest stable version

# Join via domainjoin-cli

sudo su -l

# Install openssh-server
apt-get install openssh-server

domainjoin-cli join --assumeDefaultDomain yes --userDomainPrefix PREFIX username

#Change default shell to bash
/opt/pbis/bin/config LoginShellTemplate "/bin/bash"
/opt/pbis/bin/config Local_LoginShellTemplate "/bin/bash"

From a terminal:
sudo vi /etc/pam.d/common-session
Find the line that states the following:
session sufficient
Replace it with:
session [success=ok default=ignore]